Free to play MMORPGS have been on the rise in recent times and the question remains of whether or not they are going to replace traditional pay to play MMORPGS some would even argue they have done so already. This question is a far deeper one than you would think the largest game on the market is still World Of Warcraft and they are a pay to play MMORPG. Some free to play games have made great strives in their player base but they don’t last and the reason for that is they have no reason to stay if you put $15.00 in every month they are going to play since they have their money.
However, on the other hand a free to play game you stick around as long as you are having fun so they are not always long time players of the game, but they might still enjoy it. So there is no real metric here there is no real free to play traditional MMORPG meaning no League of Legends in this count. League of Legends being a MOBA is questioned whether it is a true MMORPG because it is not a massive multiplayer online role-playing game. It is massive it is multiplayer but the core thing that people argue is that it is not an open world and because of that we cant say league of legends is a MMORPG it is a MOBA.
However, free to play games are lacking longevity with their player base they are not retaining the players that they keep but there are many promising games in the works that might be able to do this. Arche Age, Everquest Next, Firefall, all of these are very promising free to play MMORPGS in the works however, will they succeed. Hard to tell but these games will have their mark on the gaming community so long as they follow through with their goals and create what has been promised.
Do you think free to play MMORPGS are going to pass pay to play anytime soon? Have they done so already? What metric do we use to tell if they have or haven't?
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